One Good Thing A Day – Project Day 69 – CreativeFolio App

Whenever I meet someone new that I would like to collaborate on a project with, I like to show my past and pending work like a portfolio -it just makes it easier to explain what I want to do and what my style is like.

Another sneak peak at a Tokyo Fashion Guide photo!

I found this great app that shows off my work perfectly and even gives me the option to make it look more professional with title pages, subtitles and notes.

If you’re looking for a nice app to show off your work, I recommend this one: CreativeFolio Page


Thank You -new support!

Thank you to Just Bath Vanities

Your support is much appreciated!

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Thank you for your support!

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A very BIG thank you to our newest supporter!

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Thank you Japan it Up!

Very BIG thank you to Steve from Japan it UP!

I really appreciate the support *^_^*