Rolled Chicken with Spinach and Cheese Recipe

This is one recipe from our Spinach Iron Chef Dinner

Our recipes are usually just us experimenting with things and never really following measurements of any kind, so writing up a recipe might not work well for those of you who need solid information.

For the rest of you, here it is:


2-4 lean chicken breasts

8-10 large spincach leaves

1/2 cup chicken broth

A handful of shredded cheese (mozzarella works well)



Optional:  Nutmeg and Chili Powder


First, pound the meat thin, add salt and pepper freely. If you would like a bit more flavour, add a touch of chili and/or nutmeg.

Layer the spinach neatly along the meat, then add some shredded chicken.

Roll the meat up and secure with some toothpicks.

Heat the pan on high and place the rolled chicken to brown all around. Add the chicken broth and reduce the heat to medium.  We covered the pan but it can also stay uncovered.

Cook for approximately 5 minutes and remove to cut into thick slices (don’t forget to remove the toothpicks). Place the slices back into the pan and cook for another 5 minutes, until the broth has reduced and thickened a bit.

Serve with spinach pasta or white rice and enjoy!

1 Comment

  1. Pola
    Jul 29, 2011

    Looks so professional. I want to try it out this week.