One Good Thing A Day – Project Day 2 – Leaf Craft *Gift*

I have fairly recently decided to get out and enjoy the stunning weather every afternoon as a quick break from work to refresh my mind and body. Sometimes my boyfriend is able to tear himself away from work and join me, so today, we decided to grab some bento and have a relaxing lunch at the park.

While trying to feed the little birds and avoid the greedy seagulls, a random older man quietly came up to me and handed me what I thought was a real grasshopper on a leaf (which is odd, but okay…), but it actually turned out to be a grasshopper he had made by hand.

I was so surprised and thankful that I wished I had something to give back. He was just happy to give it to me and explained that I should put it in water to keep it healthy, then just went back to the bench he was sitting at.

Before leaving, I decided to at least make a little something for him, so I grabbed a candy wrapper I had, made an origami crane and gave it to him with a caramel candy I had with me (photo is an example of what I made).

He was quite happy and shyly thanked us for the candy.
We exchanged bows and thanked the man for the beautiful gift and went on our way.

What a lovely random encounter! Can’t wait to see what else is in store!

1 Comment

  1. Beatie
    Feb 7, 2011

    That’s so random, I mean, how many strangers just sit there making stuff like that?