Advertising with Art, Music and a Giant Floating Ball

I saw this ad / art installation last year but just stumbled upon it while trying to clean up my folders. I thought it very a fantastic idea and it was quite a sight to see while having dinner outdoors by the water.

This ball must have been a few meters high since it was pretty big from far away for us. The volume was also quite high considering it was night in the city (Yokohama, Japan).

Here is a brief video to show you the projected images on a floating white ball (held down by ropes):


  1. Anonymous
    Jul 16, 2010

    I just wanted to comment your blog and say that I really enjoyed reading your blog post here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! Keep it up and I’ll be back to read more soon mate

  2. Pamela
    Feb 10, 2011

    That’s must have been so pretty!


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