Help fund two great projects -and get something in return!
Hi all *^_^*
Been very busy the last couple of months, but decided to take some time to explain what I’ve been up to.
The shop is a constant and of course teaching my little ones (children’s classes) and I’m currently trying to raise funds for two other projects that I have going on at the moment.
The first one is my Tokyo Fashion Guide. So far I have quite a few people helping me out and I’ve found several models willing to be featured. It’s getting very exciting and we’re getting geared up for our photo shoot in September. I’m raising funds to help print the book, since my funds are, well, nowhere near to what is required.
The second project is for a children’s book that I’m working on. This one is a solo job and I would really love to be able to print and distribute this as well. I love making children’s books, but just need the funds (as usual!)
Here are a few sites that I’m part of to generate funds and give something back as a Thank You!
Great gift to print for anyone -especially the little ones!
If you’ve always wanted a pretty kirigami cut out, or give one as a gift!
If you like my Eco DIY projects, and would like ideas for your old items:
Finally…..this is the main Tokyo Fashion Guide fund site. You can get your name in the book, or even receive a free copy!
