Vending Machines in Japan

Yes, it’s a topic that has been talked about for years now, but I just wanted to mention how convenient and unusual vending machine contents are at times.
I pretty much pass a hundred or more of them daily and frequently wonder who decides what should go into these things.

For example, this was fantastic:

Kit Kat in a can!

Mini chocolates in a can are great, but then you get random things like….

Let’s see…..milk tea…… cocoa…..

hot corn soup in a can?!?!?!? Why???

Somehow, it just doesn’t seem too appealing to buy creamy soup from a vending maching on a train platform -but perhaps that’s just me.

I’ve seen quite a few things from packaged clothing, to comics, dvds, to random food, fresh flowers, full hot meals, alcohol, phone cards, makeup and the list goes on.

1 Comment

  1. Cindy
    May 9, 2010

    The corn soup seems a bit odd, but the chocolates are fine for me!